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Currently Exhibiting

Thank you for supporting the Internal Medicine Meeting 2025. Make sure to review the links and documents to fully prepare for the meeting in April. We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!

IMPORTANT: Exhibitors are sometimes targeted by UNAUTHORIZED companies who many claim to be affiliated with ACP/Internal Medicine Meeting. These companies are not authorized to provide conference-related services such as attendee mailing lists, registration, or housing reservations. All Official Vendors are listed in the Exhibitor Hub.

Exhibitor Hub and Badge Registration

Exhibitor Hub & Badge Registration
Update your company listing and register for exhibitor badges.

Freeman Service Kit

Freeman Service Kit
Download important meeting information, complete request forms, and order booth furnishings/services.

Download Your Invoice

Download Your Invoice
Click here to access your booth space invoice and/or pay the balance on your account.

On-Site Fact Sheet

Exhibitor On-Site Fact Sheet
Download our one-page PDF that includes the Meeting Schedule, badge colors, and general information.

Exhibit Hall Floorplan

Exhibit Hall Floorplan
Familiarize yourself with Hall GH and view your online listing.

Giveaway/Raffle/Activities Request Form

Giveaway/Raffle/Activities Request Form
All exhibitors who plan to have giveaways, raffles, or booth activities must fill out this form for ACP approval.

Exhibitor Toolbox

Exhibitor Toolbox
FAQs and helpful resources to achieve exhibitor success!

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations 
MUST READ! Make sure you are familiar with all ACP rules and regulations before exhibiting.

Exhibitor Newsletters

Exhibitor Newsletters
Sent monthly via e-blast and compiled here for your reference.




Ernest N. Morial Convention Center | Exhibit Hall GH | April 3-5, 2025


Teresa Lerch

Teresa Lerch
Exhibit and Meeting Manager

Sue Galeone

Sue Galeone
Exhibit Program Coordinator