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Eligibility to Exhibit Form

First time exhibitors and companies who have not exhibited with ACP within the past five years are required to submit this form.

ACP reserves the right to control all aspects of the Exhibit Hall. ACP specifically reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine a company’s eligibility to exhibit. Eligibility will be accepted or rejected on the basis of criteria including, but not limited to, that products or services should be medical in nature, be related to the practice of medicine, have professional or educational benefit, or be acceptable based on the ACP’s Position Paper on Physician-Industry Relations.

Note: Items marked with * are required.

Primary Product/Service Category

Eligibility ruling will be final and based on the information provided on this form. Any changes to the products, devices and services promoted to attendees must be submitted in writing to prior to booth installation. This form does not take the place of an official contract and simply indicates your interest in participating.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.