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Physician Well-Being and Professional Fulfillment Activities

Welcome! There are many well-being and professional fulfillment activities to choose from this year at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2025. Design an experience best suited to your well-being and professional fulfillment interests and needs.

We encourage you to browse the scientific programs, non-ticketed micro sessions at the Career and Professional Development Center and reconnect with colleagues at the Well-being Fun Zone. Session topics range from deepening your understanding of the critical role of well-being and professional fulfillment for systems, organizations, teams, and individuals, opportunities to take a break and participate in fun well-being activities, as well as the chance for you to gain new skills and grow your well-being toolkit for yourself or to teach others.

For more well-being and professional fulfillment resources visit

For I.M. emotional support resources, visit

Mini but Mighty Skills for Well-being Sessions

(Non-ticketed; Exhibit Hall G)

Participate in a series of 15-minute micro sessions to enhance well-being and professional fulfillment. Several different sessions will be featured each day.

Mini but Mighty Schedule

Pre-Courses and Scientific Program

Well-being and Professional Fulfillment Related Pre-Courses and Scientific Program

Wednesday, April 2

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.ACP Quality Improvement Leadership Training: Best Practices to Achieve Meaningful and Sustainable Improvement

Thursday, April 3

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.WSO 001 Communicating Effectively With Peers and Leaders 
Location: 353-355
11:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.MTP 059 Quality Improvement Basics for the Early Career Hospitalist 
Location: 353-355
2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.MTP114 Practical Strategies for Promoting Positive Learning Environments
Location: 271-273
2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.PN 029 Navigating Career Transitions 
Location: 260-262
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.PN034-How to Encourage Internal Medicine Physicians to Stay and Thrive in Clinical Practice 
Location: 260-262

Friday, April 4

8:00 – 9:00 a.m.PN031-Best Practices for Maximizing the Annual Medicare Wellness Visit 
Location: Room 260-262
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.CW 007 Know Yourself: Communicate Your Personal and Professional Message 
Location: 286-287
11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.CW 008 Moral Distress in Clinical Settings: Navigating Obstacles to Well-being in the Moment 
Location: 283-285
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.CW 012 Stories that Heal and Reveal: A Radical Listening and Reflective Writing Workshop 
Location: 286-287
2:45 - 3:45 p.m.PN 018 Supporting IMG Colleagues for Success 
Location: 271-273
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.CW 016 Words Matter: Engaging Patients Through Written Communication
Location: 286-287

Saturday, April 5

8:00 – 9:00 a.m.PN 030 Thriving During Early Career as an IMG 
Location: 260-262
9:15 - 10:15 a.m.PN 039 Humor in Medicine 
Location: 278-282
9:15 - 10:15 a.m.WSO 004 Storytelling Workshop: Humanism in Medicine
Location: 393-396
11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.PN 007 Bring Balance and Meaning to Life Throughout Your Career: Voice Lessons, Vintage Cars, and Volunteering 
Location: 353-355
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.MTP 108 Presentation Skills for Physicians: Making Your Next Teaching Presentation Go Better Than Your Last 
Location: 265-268
2:45 - 3:45 p.m.WSO 005 Understanding the Patient Experience Through Narrative Medicine 
Location: 353-355

Fun Activities

(Non-ticketed; Exhibit Hall G)

Increase your well-being, build new communities, reconnect, and strengthen old ones by participating in one or more of the fun activities at Internal Medicine Meeting 2025.

Networking Social

Friday, April 4 from 3:30-4:30 pm at the Career and Professional Development Center

Don't miss out on the chance to mingle, enjoy refreshments, and connect with your colleagues! Dive into exciting activities hosted by the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC), including ACP Member Connect - Speed Networking, CPDC HELLO (Bingo), raffles, and more!

Well-being Fun Zone

Enhance your well-being, build new communities, strengthen existing ones, and connect with colleagues outside of sessions by engaging in a variety of enjoyable and creative activities. Create your own recharge kit, participate in professional development and fulfillment exercises (including a community mural), take part in fun photo opportunities, collect vibrant ribbons, and enjoy some sweet treats.

Selfie Station
Gather old and new friends to take photos with fun New Orleans-themed props at our selfie station to memorialize your visit at Internal Medicine Meeting 2025. Share your photo on social media and see fellow attendees’ pictures using the hashtag #IM2025. 

Mask-Making Activity
  Create your own Mardi Gras mask to use at our selfie station.

Fun Ribbons
Collect a variety of fun ribbons to attach to your name badge and let your personality shine. 

Sensory Station
Stop by the Fun Zone to create your own ACP Recharge Kit. Choose from a variety of ACP-branded items to help with stress relief and sensory grounding while connecting you to ACP well-being resources. 

Career Wisdom Board
What career advice would you like to share with others? What helps you shine when moments get tough? Share Your Light by filling out a card to hang on our Career Wisdom Board. 

#IMProud Group Mural
What makes you proud to be in Internal Medicine? What drives you to be your best? How do you make your unique voice heard? Share who you are and connect with your IM community by creating a coloring tile to add to our group mural.  

Vision Board
Engage in creative activities to help you envision the next steps in your professional journey or to encapsulate your experience at Internal Medicine Meeting 2025.

Virtual Attendee Resources

Mini But Mighty Skills for Well-being 
(Featured Mini Skills Available to Virtual Attendees During Internal Medicine Meeting)
Learn actionable well-being skills in just 10-15 minutes. The following micro-learnings meet clinicians’ just-in-time and ongoing well-being and professional fulfillment needs, and are applicable for systems, organizations, and individuals.

Virtual Coloring Pages
Boost your well-being with these creative resources! Share your creations by posting to social media or emailing them to