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Industry-Supported Symposia Schedule

Broaden your knowledge by attending an Industry-Supported Symposium. Preregistration for these courses is recommended; walk-ins are welcome as space allows. Check the meeting app for the most up-to-date schedule.

Industry-Supported Symposia are independently organized and are not an official part of the Internal Medicine Meeting 2025 Education Program. CME credit is offered by organizations other than ACP. Live-streamed sessions will be available for 30 days after the meeting.

Tuesday, April 1


Transforming Care for Early Stage T1D with Targeted Clinical Strategies
Sponsored by: Sanofi US
12:15-1:15 p.m. • Registration: Noon
CC • 293-296

A one-hour long educational initiative designed for multidisciplinary clinicians who treat or see patients with or at high risk for T1D is needed, to aid them as they navigate an evolving diagnosis and treatment landscape and ultimately overcome these gaps in care.

Removing Roadblocks: Practical Approaches to Increase Adult RSV Vaccine Uptake
Sponsored by: GlaxoSmithKline
12:15-1:15 p.m. • Registration: Noon
CC • 393-396

Each year, thousands of older adults are hospitalized with RSV, and unfortunately, a significant portion of these patients die from RSV. Routine RSV vaccination is recommended for all patients 75 years and older, and patients aged 60-74 years with risk factors for severe RSV should also be vaccinated. It can be challenging to implement risk-based recommendations into clinical practice. To further complicate matters, RSV vaccines are now approved for younger patients who are at increased risk of severe RSV, but ACIP has not yet made a recommendation for this group. This symposium will provide expert insights on implementation of the latest RSV vaccine recommendations and data, and learners will have the opportunity to submit their own barriers to vaccination for faculty insights.

Wednesday, April 2


Digging Deeper into Abnormal Liver Test Results
Sponsored by: Gilead Sciences, Inc. and Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 
12:15-1:15 p.m. • Registration: Noon
CC • 293-296

Live-stream available, Session will be recorded.

In this CME Outfitters live symposium, expert faculty will guide learners on identifying signs and symptoms of PBC, MASH, and MASLD, implementing evidence-based strategies for early and accurate diagnosis, implementing best practices for treatment, and applying multidisciplinary disease management to the care of patients.

Gearing Up to Manage GERD: The Amazing Case Challenge
Sponsored by: Phathom Pharmaceuticals 
12:15-1:15 p.m. • Registration: Noon
CC • 393-396

Live-stream available, Session will be recorded.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. Patients with GERD experience substantial burden, and symptoms frequently persist despite ongoing treatment. In this case-based symposium, compete against your colleagues as you engage in a virtual race through iconic landmarks and unlock critical information about GERD diagnosis and management. Learn from expert faculty who will discuss the latest clinical evidence on newly approved treatments with novel mechanisms of action that can treat both erosive and nonerosive GERD. Hear from a patient who will describe their journey and challenges living with GERD. So, start your engines and join us for this engaging case challenge!


From Information to Conversation: Integrating Obesity Guidelines, Treatments, and Shared Decision-Making Into Clinical Practice
Sponsored by: Lilly USA, LLC.
6:30-8:15 p.m. • Registration: 6:00 p.m.
New Orleans Marriott • Acadia Room

Live-stream available, Session will be recorded.

This CME activity emphasizes the critical need to manage obesity as a progressive, chronic condition linked to multiple comorbidities and explores how primary care providers can overcome treatment challenges and discomfort initiating weight-related discussions. Expert faculty will review the latest clinical evidence and guideline-based treatments while covering diagnostic strategies, medication selection, and how to recognize and reduce weight bias and stigma. During the signature segment, “From Information to Conversation,” faculty will model real-world scenarios, deconstruct conversations, and offer actionable strategies to foster shared decision-making and align treatment goals with patient preferences. By addressing the clinical, communicative, and interpersonal dimensions of obesity management, participants will leave equipped with practical tools to provide more empathetic, evidence-based care and garner improved long-term patient outcomes.

From Data to Internal Medicine Practice: Expert Guidance on Leveraging Nonsteroidal MRAs in Cardio-Kidney-Metabolic Care
Sponsored by: Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 
6:30-7:30 p.m. • Registration: 6:00 p.m.
New Orleans Marriott • Bissonet Room

Dive into the continually emerging data on non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (nsMRAs) as a standard component in the management of cardio-kidney-metabolic (CKM) conditions. Our experts will explore the complex interplay between cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic health, highlighting the incorporation of nsMRAs into clinical guidelines and their expanding role in the care of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with type 2 diabetes (T2D), and heart failure (HF). Keep up-to-date on best practices in CKM conditions as therapeutic options expand and treatment paradigms evolve. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and contribute to better CKM health outcomes for patients.

Thursday, April 3


Navigating a New Era in Alzheimer’s Disease: Integrating Disease-Modifying Therapies into Clinical Practice
Sponsored by: Eli Lilly
6:30-7:30 p.m. • Registration: 6:00 p.m.
Hilton New Orleans Riverside • St. James Ballroom

Mild cognitive impairment and AD are often underdiagnosed; therefore, clinicians need education on how to integrate pathways for screening, diagnosing, and staging MCI and AD to help patients plan for their future, access new anti-amyloid therapies and other options if appropriate, and support effective early management to optimize outcomes. Additionally, access to disease-modifying treatments (DMT) for AD is limited by reimbursement, preauthorization, and high technical burden, including frequent MRI scans, lengthy infusion visits, and adverse events. Thus, the education will provide clinical practice recommendations informing the use of DMTs for AD and the identification of those who qualify for treatment based on available clinical data, as well as information on how to manage potential adverse events associated with DMTs for AD using a multidisciplinary approach.

Cases and ConversationsTM: A Horizon View of Continuous Monitoring Systems for Diabetes Management
Sponsored by: Abbott Diabetes Care
6:30-8:00 p.m. • Registration: 6:00 p.m.
New Orleans Marriott Warehouse District • Gravier A-D

Live-stream available, Session will be recorded.

With the expanding role of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices in diabetes management, clinicians must stay abreast of the available US FDA-approved devices, latest guideline recommendations, general counseling strategies, utility of these technologies during pregnancy, and practical pearls for integration to clinical care in order to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

This Cases & Conversations™ is a video-based activity in which 3 experts use a case-based approach to discuss CGM in the management of patients with diabetes. In this activity, the faculty focus on diagnosis and current and emerging therapeutic strategies. This engaging format is designed to help clinicians identify best clinical practices regarding CGM to improve outcomes for their patients.

Friday, April 4


Do It Better: Raising the Bar in Menopause Care With Individualized Approaches to VMS Treatment
Sponsored by: Astellas and Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
7:00-8:30 p.m. • Registration: 6:30 p.m.
New Orleans Marriott • Galerie 1-2

Internal medicine healthcare professionals play a pivotal role in managing menopause-associated vasomotor symptoms (VMS), but receive inadequate training in recognizing and treating these patients. Further, novel nonhormonal therapies are revolutionizing treatment options for patients who cannot or prefer not to use hormone therapy. As a result, opportunities to provide optimal, personalized care are often missed.

Join expert faculty in this interactive symposium as we challenge common clinical approaches to management and treatment of VMS in menopause and explore ways to "Do It Better." Through engaging case-based vignettes, participants will identify gaps in current management strategies, critique real-world decision-making, and discover how to integrate the latest evidence-based therapies into practice. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your clinical acumen and optimize care for your patients!

Expanding Viral Hepatitis Services: Capacity Building for Vulnerable Communities
Sponsored by: Gilead Sciences, Inc.
7:00-8:00 p.m. • Registration: 6:30 p.m.
New Orleans Marriott • Bissonet Room

Primary care teams play critical frontline roles in the prevention and control of viral hepatitis.

Join us for this live case-based and solutions-oriented symposium to engage with the experts as they translate key findings from a recent real-world HBV and HCV capacity building initiative into actionable strategies to close gaps in identifying, preventing, and managing viral hepatitis within vulnerable communities.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to:

  • Engage with expert faculty and get your questions answered
  • Explore real-world insights from a recent clinical capacity building initiative
  • Challenge yourself through interactive case scenarios