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Clinical Skills Programs

Clinical Skills Center
Attendees at the Clinical Skills Center

Clinical Skills Center

Visit this highly popular learning space to participate in a dynamic collection of hands-on and interactive educational activities. Learn how to perform common procedures, refine interpretive skills, update physical examination skills, and benefit from direct feedback from instructors in a unique, small-group learning environment.

Ultrasound Alley

Located within the Clinical Skills Center, Ultrasound Alley is the ideal destination for both beginners to Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) education and those with ultrasound experience. Sessions cover a wide variety of topics to help you improve your knowledge and practice, from building your ultrasound portfolio to ultrasound-guided procedures.

Advance Registration for Clinical Skills Center Activities

Remember to purchase your ticket in advance! Clinical Skills Center activities fill up quickly. Ensure your place in the activities you want to attend by purchasing a reserved ticket ($35 per activity) to secure your spot at your desired time. Registration will open soon.

Clinical Workshops

Attend interactive sessions focused on communication and interpretive and systems-based practice skills. Clinical Workshops use small-group breakouts and role-play models to teach these important topics.

Case-Based Learning

These large group activities typically employ case-based scenarios and real-world clinical examples to best achieve the session objectives.

A complete list of Clinical Skills Programs session descriptions and schedules will be available soon.